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Saturday, 18 October 2008

El Campello - The Fiesta Pics

el campello fiestasAs I mentioned as the previous post, Photos of the once again successful El Campello Fiestas would be published and finally I got round to doing it. You should really try and participate one year in the El Campello Fiestas.

You normally end up with a hang over in the morning and don't expect to sleep too much. The night life takes place in small street bars in El Campello and everybody gets on well together, even the Moors and the Christians.

el campello fiestasNo blood baths in El Campello and I have not not personally come across many incidents since I have been living here in El Campello, which is about five years now.

The people from El Campello really enjoy their fiestas and the costumes, swords, riffles are pretty impressive.

el campello fiestas


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